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Featured NFTC

NameDescriptionTrust RatingPriceChangeSupplyAction
100 USDT
JUGILIO STARA personal contract from Jugilio Silva Pereas for his path to stardom.100100+24.7%2000Buy
100 USDT
Bali Miracle InvestmentAn investment of 100 USDT in the organization of the Bali Miracle tour by Staсy Moren.100100+10%19Buy
1000 USDT
Andrew Sabint NFTCThe given asset is created to fund my education in the doctoral program in the Department of Computer Science.1001000+10%10Buy
500 USDT
Marcus Lyne5% (five percent) of the copyright for the composition Rolling Volling Combat.100500+10%15Buy
300 USDT
STENLY BIRDS OWNERSHIPI issue this agreement for the transfer of 1% of the copyright to my collection Stenly Birds Muse.100300+10%50Buy